right now we will use if,case, for,while, until and select
below is the example#!/bin/bash key="bash"; read -s -p "Your Password : " pass if [ $pass==$kunci ]; then echo "Success, You are able to login" else echo "Sorry, Your password is wrong"; fi
below is the result
[elvin@TestBed$]./if2 Password anda : bash Success, You are able to login [fajar@linux$]./if2 Password anda : Bash Sorry, Your password is wrong
else will be execute if the condition is not being fulfilled
below is the example of nested if
#!/bin/bash clear echo "Menu of the day"; echo "---------------"; echo "1. Noodle "; echo "2. Satay "; echo "3. Exit "; read -p "Your choose [1-3] :" pil; if [ $pil -eq 1 ]; then echo "How Many ="; read sum let pay=sum*1500; elif [ $pil -eq 2 ]; then echo "How Many ="; read sum let pay=sum*2000; elif [ $pil -eq 3 ]; then exit 0 else echo "Sorry, Your choose is not available" exit 1 fi echo "Total Payment = Rp. $pay" echo "THX"
below is the result
[elvin@TestBed$]./if3 Menu of the day --------------- 1. Noodle 2. Satay 3. Exit Your choose[1-3] :2 How Many = 2 Total Payment = Rp. 4000 THX
the function of case is same like if. for sometimes condition, case is more efficience than if commandbelow is the example
#!/bin/bash clear echo -n "Please input your menu :"; read menu; case $menu in noodle | kwetiau | bihun ) echo "$menu is chinese food" break ;; steak | pizza | sandwich ) echo "$menu is western food" break ;; *) echo "$menu is not being defined" break ;; esac
below is the result
[elvin@TestBed$]./cs1 Please input your menu : noodle noodle is chinese food
for statement is using for repetitionbelow is the example
#!/bin/bash for number in 1 2 3 4 5; do echo "number=$number"; donebelow is the result
[elvin@TestBed$]./for1 number=1 number=2 number=3 number=4 number=5
while statement will do the command as long as the condition is truebelow is the example to print odd number
#!/bin/bash i=1; while [ $i -le 10 ]; do echo "$i,"; let i=$i+2; done
below is result
[elvin@TestBed$]./wh1 1,3,5,7,9,
until statement will do the command if the condition is falsebelow is the example
#!/bin/bash i=1; until [ $i -gt 10 ]; do echo $i; let i=$i+1 done
below is the result
[elvin@TestBed$]./ut 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,
below is the example#!/bin/bash #menu1 clear select menu do echo "you choose $REPLY is $menu" done
below is the result
layout: [elvin@Testbed$]./menu1 Slackware Redhat Mandrake 1) Slackware 2) Redhat 3) Mandrake #? 1 you choose 1 is Slackware
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